Equestrian Outreach Web Site Overview
To all the thousands of wonderful equestrians who have visited this site since our makeover last year, thank you for your kind comments, corrections, and suggestions. Please continue to help improve this site. You are proof positive that our relationships with horses are unlike any other. We are equestrians working together, regardless of discipline, to strengthen and improve our sport.
We hope you find this site a complete, balanced, helpful, and accurate resource for the equestrian community. With your help, we aim to use social media to rehabilitate or eliminate dangerous equestrian vendors.
Although we solicit donations, the site's revenue is generated by our vendors, who participate based on the visitor volume we track. Our programs coordinate the rescue of horses, who in turn help people. Humans helping horses; horses helping humans! A relationship like no other.
Please feel free to share your opinions on improving this site, as you are a vital part of the process. If you like and support our site, please share it with your friends.
We are an equestrian advocacy association with the following goals:
Humans and Horses; A Relationship Like No Other
The histories of humans and horses have been intertwined since the Paleolithic Era. Horses first appeared on Stone Age menus but were later domesticated. Over time, humans adapted horses for agriculture, transportation, and warfare, forming an amazing partnership. Click here for more information about human-horse history.
Today, some horses are venerated, while others face harsh treatment. Our partnership with horses has produced stunning results, including various breeds adapted for different purposes. Click here for more information on horse care.
The "Equine Magic" shared between horses and humans is profound. Horses help children at risk grow into healthy, productive adults, and aid injured individuals in their recovery. Click here for more information about our Equine Assisted Therapy Program.
Note: This is a large site with many pages and information. If you are unsure where to start, click here to see our site map. If you are interested in contributing content, please review our site policies here.
Not For Profit Status: Equine Outreach is a privately funded non-profit organization (NPO), with 501(c)(3) status pending.